Univeristy of Arkansas Campus, background: Old Main, foreground: Bell Engineering Center

Principal Investigator

Keisha Bishop Walters, Ph.D.

Department Head & Professor

Kevin W. and Marie L. Brown Department Head Chair

Ralph E. Martin Leadership Chair in Chemical Engineering

Ralph E. Martin Department of Chemical Engineering

Contact Information

Post Doctoral Fellows

Fatema Tarannum, Post Doc, PolyNel

Fatema Tarannum, Ph.D.

Post Doctoral Fellow

Email: tarannum@uark.edu


Kayla Foley, Ph.D. Candidate, PolyNel

Kayla Foley, Ph.D.

Post Doctoral Fellow

Email: kaylaf@uark.edu



Graduate Students

Brandon Abbott, Ph.D. student, PolyNel

Brandon Abbott

Ph.D. Candidate

Email:  Brandon.S.Abbott-1@ou.edu


David Chem

Ph.D. Candidate

Email:  chem@uark.edu


Olufemi Ogunjimi, Ph.D. Student, PolyNel

Olufemi Ogunjimi

Ph.D. Candidate

Email: ogunjimi@uark.edu


Yousef Fathisola

Ph.D. Student

Email: youseff@uark.edu


Breyonna Morgan

Ph.D. Student

Email: blm042@uark.edu


Undergraduate Researchers

Stephen Cockmon

Email:  sdcockmo@uark.edu


Aaron Hebert

Email:  achebert@uark.edu


Alfredo Carrillo

Email:  ac158@uark.edu


Steven Vong

Email:  sv028@uark.edu


John Verdaris

Email:  verdaris@uark.edu


Austin Cranna

Email:  atcranna@uark.edu


Kaylee Drake

Email:  kayleed@uark.edu


Chase Golden

Email:  chaseg@uark.edu


Joia Traver

Email:  jtraver@uark.edu


Riley Thayer

Email:  gthayer@uark.edu


Former Members (Current Position)

Postdoctoral Scholars

  • Muhammad Nazrul Islam ()
  • Leila Karimi (University of Arizona)
  • Ran Wijayapala (Post-doc, MS State University)
  • Erick Vasquez (Faculty, Dayton Univ.)
  • I-Wei Chu (EM Staff, MS State University)
  • Shetian Liu (ConocoPhillips)
  • Shijie Ding (Faculty, Huaiyin Inst. of Tech., China)
  • Shampa Aich (Faculty, Indian Inst. of Tech., India)

PhD Graduate Students

  • Collin Britten (Wyatt Technology)
  • Austin (Curnutt) Castorino (Deloitte)
  • Ashley Williams (MSU)
  • Mathew Rowe (Haliburton)
  • Erick Vasquez (MS State Univ.)
  • Ersan Eyiler (Cukurova University)
  • Gabe Monroe (US Army Corp ERDC)

MS Graduate Students

  • Yokly Leng (CJ Biomaterials)
  • Onyinyechi Igwe (Pfizer)
  • Jessica Simmons (SE OK State Univ.)
  • Vijitha Mohan (MO Univ. Sci.&Tech.)
  • Aaron Graham (Johns Manville)
  • Maryam Dadgarmoghaddam (Hunt, Guillot & Assoc.)
  • Caitlin Naske (Dynamic Air Quality Solutions)
  • Ashley Cornell (Sealed Air Corp.)
  • Emily Smith (Waters Corp.)
  • P. Zach Wynne (Ashland Performance Materials)
  • Anandi Varadarajan (MSU)
  • Laibao Zhang (grad. student, LSU)
  • Swati Kumari (Sigona)

Undergraduate Students

Benjamin Hopkins, Samantha Glidewell, Evan Wetmore, Bryce Rosenbarker (REU student), Collin Larsen, Noa Raimond (REU student), An Tran (REM student), Wagner E. Rosa, Jorge Carvalho, Lucas Condes, Carson Stacy, Luis Trevisi, Kristen Lason, Winston Sok, Natalie Berryman, Geena Safo, Brittney Miles, Ethan Soemantri, Jacob Coffman, Alec Cooper, Ish Bhanot, Kaylee Smith, Jack Norman, Ismail Ombo Michael Dumutu, Sushil Dhev Munian, Kaylee Huckaby, Gretchen Hook, Emily Grace Long, Dean Rufeisen, Nolan Kelley, Kevin Kitchell, David Nixon, Lars (Berent) Ostervo, Trung Nguyen, Duy Nguyen, Celeste Watson, Erik Sanchez, Cayla Cook, Anna Taconi, Michael Kyzar, Jarrod Cannette, David Ladner, Abdullah Qusailah, Evan Prehn, Jeffrey Johnston, John Tomlinson, Ornella Tempo, Justyn Forehand, Andres Chaparro Sosa, Annie (Caitie) O’Horo, Yiwei (Zoe) Hu, Franklyn Hall, Wilhelm Liano, Tomas Nichols, Tyler Williams, Pearl (Sherly) Boddu, Gavin Barnett, Jasmine Young, Glynn Freeman, Jon Moraga, Thaige Gompa, Matthew Gresham, Jack Stogner, Kiefer Slaton, Gerald Nail, Michael Harper, Bo Portillo, Ken Newton, Dani Sanchez, Philip Polk, Seth Roberts, Mariana Lemus Lopez, Brandon Abbott, Breyounga Jackson, Kate Bush, Liza Nalley, Marquita Jones, William (Brad) Nicholson, Kayla Chandler